Cash Strapped?
Major credit cards now accepted! Outside the big box bookstores, I'm able to offer my books at a significantly reduced price! (Up to over...
Radio In all likilhood, the longest and most indepth interview, CKCU host 'tic' is in conversation with local Lovecraftian-horror author,...
Daytime Ottawa, Live TV!
Looks like I'm going to be returning to The Daytime Ottawa TV Show on May 23rd! I'm excited! They must like me! This'll be my 3rd time!!...
Apt613 Book Review
Check out Local Lovecraftian-horror author Michel Weatherall's reviews from Apt613! “Lovecraftian atmosphere and themes at their best....
Art on the Grass - in Carp
August 19th, 8am-3pm I've applied to participate in Carp's Art on the Grass, 3790 Carp Rd., just down the road from Alice's Village Cafe...
The Symbiot-Series: Book 3
Necropolis ISBN - 978-0-9948189-4-2 (print) Be Prepared. The Rising Has Come. ​​ "Woven throughout this entire literary piece are the...
Strellson - Rideau Centre
I'm featured on the Ottawa Strellson's Facebook page! Check it out! There's me sporting a...
Lounge Reading Material?
With the 2nd printing of "A Dark Corner of My Soul" out within the week, there'll be several coffeehouses carrying my titles for their...
Apt613 Reviews The Hunt
Local horror author and poet, Michel Weatherall's book - The Hunt - is reviewed by Apt 613. “Lovecraftian atmosphere and themes at their...
The Symbiot-Series: Book 4
Coming Soon! The Refuse Chronicles ISBN - 978-1-988253-06-0 (print) ​ The fourth installment in The Symbiot Series, The Refuse...