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A wide genre of music features predominantly throughout The Symbiot-Series.

For your listening pleasure, here are some of the musical pieces

and masterpieces found in this series.

Creeping Death - Metallica
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Creeping Death (1984)

Ride the Lightning


Features in The Hunt: Symbiosys, chapter 1. 

Also the closing music of Literary Landscape's interview, hosted by Kate Hunt.

Second String Quartet, 4th Movement - Arnold Scheonberg
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Arnold Scheonberg's Second String Quartet, 4th Movement (1908)

Although not specifically mentioned by name, it is featured in The Symbiot, Chapter 3

Into the Lungs of Hell - Megadeth
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Into the Lungs of Hell (1988)

So Far, So Good... So What?


This album is being listened to by Timothy Paupst in The Symbiot, Chapter 6. Although not specified, this track is a good instrumental piece.

Don Giovanni - overture - Mozart
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Don Giovanni (1787)

The Symbiot, Chapter 3 mentions Mozart, but does not specify any particular piece. 

The Call of Ktulu - Metallica
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The Call of Ktulu (2001)

Ride the Lightning


Not specified, but appropriate throughout the entirety of Necropolis. Opening music of Literary Landscape's interview, hosted by Kate Hunt.

Der Rheingold - Richard Wagner
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Das Rheingold (1869)

Richard Wagner

This piece is repeatedly revisited. Otto Zann's 'soundtrack', it appears in The Symbiot, Chapter 10, Necropolis: Pharaoh's Schäfer's Expedition, Necropolis: R'lyeh's epilogue, and The Refuse Chronicles' Heidelberg: The Kiss of Dagon.

Anna's Theme (1999)

From the soundtrack of The Red Violin

Joshua Bell - violinest,

Esa-Pekka Salonen - conductor,

John Corigliano - composer

I have always loved the opening transition from a woman's voice to the violin's. It is the symbiosis between human and music.

Scherzo No. 2 Op. 31 - Chopin
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In Necropolis: Hybrids, at the International Junior Music Competition, Dante Francois' choice piano piece. 

Chopin's Scherzo No. 2 Op. 31 is generally considered one of the most challanging piano pieces to perform.

Diabelli Variations - Beethoven
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Also from Necropolis: Hybrids at the International Junior Music Competition. 

In Dante's first round of competition this is the piano piece the Torontonian boy had made an error in.

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Andy Narell
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Although edited out, in its original manuscript, in The Hunt: Symbiosys, chapter 1, Neilson's nightmare included Andy Narell's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.

Pts. OF Athrty - Linkin Park
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Although this piece doesn't appear anywhere in The Symbiot-Series, it is definitely worth mentioning.


Necropolis took approximately 13 months to write, the vast majority of this time was spent on the latter half of the book. (What would become the ebook Necropolis: R'lyeh.)


I took a great deal of inspiration (listening to Pts. OF Athrty (Reanimation) on my headphones) while visualizing the warship battle-scene, shoggoth-swarms and Star-Spawn battles!


If Necropolis: R'lyeh were ever to have a soundtrack, Pts. OF Athrty (Reanimation) would be it!

Although I would love to include The Music of Erich Zann, unfortunately it simply isn't a real piece of music. Its composition remains in the imagination of its readers.


I can, however, provide a link to those interested in reading this story for themselves.


The Music of Erich Zann (1922)

by Howard Philips Lovecraft.

The Music of the Spheres features throughout. The Symbiot, The Hunt: Symbiosys, to the 1930's storyline in Necropolis and including The Refuse Chronicles' Heidelberg: The Kiss of Dagon.

It is a highly sought after and coveted composition.


Unfortunately, this composition of music is purely fictional. 

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