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The Symbiot-Series

The New Symbiot Trilogy w Appendum2.jpg

With the purchase of the entire Symbiot-Trilogy (print edition), included with be the bonus Symphonies of Horror for FREE!

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The Symbiot

Print Editions

New Cover draft 2 - with not all truths
The Symbiot:
30th Anniversary, The Nadia Edition

ISBN - 978-1-988253-05-3 (print)


Celebrating The Symbiot's 30th anniversary since its inception, a special edition will be made available!

The Symbiot: 30th Anniversary, The Nadia Edition will include, for the first time in print, books 1 and 2 (The Symbiot and The Hunt: Symbiosys) in this volume!

Cover Model: Mary Elin Moore

Hair and Make-up Artist: Fatima Abeduljalil
Original photograph by Angela Holmyard
Used with permission and courtesy from Angela Holmyard Photography ©2018, all rights reserved.
Photo editing: Michel Weatherall


"In the Symbiot, Weatherall has created a spine chilling tale reminiscent of the style of Stephen King"

TDC Book Reviews


“Lovecraftian atmosphere and themes at their best. Michel Weatherall is a master of this style of horror - he’ll keep you up all night reading, then for days just thinking about it.”

Apt 613's Laurie Stewart,  Author



New Cover draft 2 - with not all truths
The Symbiot:
30th Anniversary, The Nadia Edition


ISBN - 978-1-988253-07-7 (digital)

This ebook edition includes both The Symbiot and its sequel,

The Hunt: Symbiosys.




The Symbiot cover for Smashwords.jpg


Print Editions

Necropolis (Print Edition) (Books III - V)

ISBN - 978-0-9948189-4-2 (print)


Be Prepared. The Rising Has Come.


This printed edition contains books 3, 4 and 5


"Woven throughout this entire literary piece are the stories of characters forgotten from the original novella, The Symbiot. Written as three separate pieces, following 6 story lines set in 3 different ages, Necropolis is intricate storytelling!


"The first piece tells the story of the fall and demise of the ancient Egyptian man-god, Pharaoh Nyarlathotep. 

The second brings us back to the characters we left in the previous book, ten years later. The promises hinted at in TheHunt: Symbiosys, do not disappoint and come to fruition in Necropolis, with full blown Lovecraftian-mythos monsters!


"It's Modern Tech versus forgotten aeons-old evil, with a reminiscent flavouring similar to Grandma Death's fictitious book (Donnie Darko, 2001)!


"It has been a decade since The Hunt and the Gibbons' children are humanity's last hope!


"The conclusion of The Symbiot Series spans three millennia - from Pharaoh Nyarlathotep's genesis and demise, to the discovery of the derelict Japanese Destroyer, the Yamayuki, to the world shattering rising of R'lyeh!


"The world is at its end!

R'lyeh has risen!

Cthulhu's high priest has awoken!

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!"

'Seph Sayers, Blogger & Reviewer


Necropolis: Book III: Pharaoh

ISBN - 978-0-9948189-8-0 (digital)


"Woven throughout this book are the stories of characters forgotten about from the original novella, The Symbiot. Following 3 story lines set in 3 different ages, Necropolis is intricate storytelling!


"This first piece tells the story of the fall and demise of the ancient Egyptian man-god, Pharaoh Nyarlathotep. 

Necropolis: Book IV: Hybrids

ISBN - 978-0-9948189-9-7 (digital)


"Woven throughout this book are the stories of characters forgotten about from the original novella, The Symbiot.


"It has been a decade since The Hunt and the Gibbons' children are humanity's last hope! This story picks up where The Hunt: Symbiosys left off. 

Necropolis: Book V: R'lyeh 

ISBN - 978-0-9948189-5-9 (digital)


"Woven throughout this book are the stories of characters forgotten about from the original novella, The Symbiot. Following 2 story lines set in 2 different ages, Necropolis is intricate storytelling!


"It's Modern Tech versus forgotten aeons-old evil, with a reminiscent flavouring similar to Grandma Death's fictitious book (Donnie Darko, 2001)!


"The conclusion of The Symbiot Series spans three millennia - from Pharaoh Nyarlathotep's genesis and demise, to the discovery of the derelict Japanese Destroyer, the Yamayuki, to the world shattering rising of R'lyeh!


"The world is at its end!

R'lyeh has risen!

Cthulhu's high priest has awaken!

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!"

'Seph Sayers, Blogger & Reviewer

The Refuse Chronicles

Print Editions

The Refuse Chronicles

ISBN - 978-1-988253-06-0  (print)


The fourth installment in The Symbiot Series (books 6-22),  The Refuse Chronicles is a collection of sorrowful novelettes revisiting lost & forgotten secondary characters throughout the series; the human debris and fallout of the catastrophic events.



47° 9'S 126° 43'W

06   –   02   –   2005:

The Rising of R'lyeh


The world has changed since The Event.

It will never be the same.


Ancient and forgotten Cults stir in the darkness.

The UNCGSC desperately prepares for a war they know is inevitable.

Tamara Takahara – Tamara Gibbons – the last Symbiocyst returns; the consequences obliterating.

The Machine searches for humanity's only hope and salvation.

Titanic forces are in motion, their collision unavoidable.


The Event may have changed the world,

but the fallout has yet to come.


All will be gambled.

All will be lost.


Be prepared. There is no tomorrow.


(Photo is of Le Grand Rassemblement (The Grand Gathering), located in Sainte-Flavie, Quebec. It is the work of Canadian artist Marcel Gagnon. Used with permission and courtesy from the Centre d'Art Marcel Gagnon.)


UNCGSC: The Facility (ebook only)

ISBN: 978-1-988253-03-9 (digital)


Following the theme of hybrid-genres (Lovecraftian Horror (The Symbiot),  Horror-Action (The Hunt: Symbiosys), and even Weird Fiction (Necropolis)), this novelette doesn't neatly fit into any genre, carrying elements of both Sci-Fi and Theology.


Currently the 1st novelette of the upcoming The Refuse Chronicles.


UNCGSC: The Facility will take us to the most  extremely remote facility on the planet, where experimentations into Artificial Intelligence, Turing Tests, and Sentience are carried out! 


This novelette fleshes out the backstory of a character from Necropolis, although it may still be enjoyed as a stand-alone.


Set in a mysterious 'Dead Zone' of  Antarctica,UNCGSC: The Facility couldn't be more isolated.


Like all vignettes of The Refuse Chronicles, this links itself into The Symbiot Series.


It is awakening. The question is, what is awakening?

Matriarch, Part I

ISBN: 978-1-988253-11-4 (digital)


Currently the 2nd novelette of the upcoming The Refuse Chronicles.


A mysterious corpse on the desolate cold beaches of Northern Newfoundland.


Cultic abductions in 2004 and the subterfuge machinations of The Esoteric Order of Dagon and the UNCGSC. 

Preview an excerpt of Matriarch, Part 1 as read by

Samantha Underhill!



Samantha Underhill - Matriarch - Michel

Heidelberg: The Kiss of Dagon

ISBN: 978-1-988253-04-6 (digital)


Currently the 3rd novelette of the upcoming The Refuse Chronicles.


Following the 1925 storyline from Necropolis: Pharaoh (“Schäfer's Expedition”) and returning to our heroine - Donita de LaFontaine - our story continues as both a sequel to the tragic 1930 events at the Great Pagan Temple of Shub-Niggurath (Necropolis: R'lyeh) and a prequel to The Symbiot (1987).


Traveling with her adolescent daughter Nadia between Nazi Germany and the Allies' England, Donita's playing a dangerous game.


Returning thirteen years later, Donita finds herself caught in the subterfuge machinations of the Nazi's and other dark cults desperate to attain The Music of the Spheres. With Otto Zann comatose it is only Donita de LaFontaine that knows The Music!

Matriarch, Part II

ISBN: 978-1-988253-12-1 (digital)


Currently the 4th novelette of the upcoming The Refuse Chronicles.


The dark secrets of O'r Môr are reveiled.

The subterfuge machinations of an ancient cult arise.


Man's days are numbered.

Das Ghul

​ISBN: 978-1-988253-09-1 (digital)


Currently the 5th novelette of the upcoming The Refuse Chronicles.


The dead can speak. Secrets are no longer hidden.


Follow the UNCGSC files as they slowly piece together decades of machinations and a hidden and unknown enemy reveals themselves!

Saverne: Le Château d'automne

The 6th novelette

Overt Acts

The 7th novelette

The Watchers

ISBN: 978-1-988253-10-7 (digital)


The 8th chronicle of The Refuse Chronicles, "The Watchers" is the 1st title of the Tamara-thread of storylines and 2nd of the Sentinel-thread. (The cross-overs are beginning!)


Picking up only days after the events of Necropolis, we follow Tamara and her grandmother, Veronica, as they flee and attempt to find solace and refuge from the UNCGSC and The Machine.


There is nowhere to hide. The Machine sees all.

The Never

ISBN: 978-1-988253-13-8 (digital)


The 9th novelette of The Refuse Chronicles:

Following immediately on the heels of The Watchers, The Never pits cutting edge modern tech against ancient forgotten myths.


Haunted Symphony


The 10th chronicle (novelette) of The Refuse Chronicles!


It has been 61 years since the murderous events of Heidelberg.

Some memories and ghosts never die.

Seven Days in Pnakotus


The 11th novelette in The Refuse Chronicles.


As with most novelettes of The Refuse Chronicles, these stories revisit secondary or incidental characters from The Symbiot-Series.


“Seven Days in Pnakotus” features Dr. Genevieve Cadeaux of “The Hunt: Symbiosys”.


Set in the desert wasteland of Australia, this 10th chronicle returns to a very basic style of horror.The orbiting A.I., Sentinel has located the lost Library City of Pnakotus. A UNCGSC team is dispatched on a mission into the Waste, but will they discover the Great Yithian’s secrets or wht lurks in the shifting sands?


“Seven Days in Pnakotus” transpires in exactly one week.

Lacuna: Catalyst

The 12th novelette

HMCS Nokomis: Prelude to War

The 13th novelette

Convergence - Resurgence - Divergence


The 14th-16th novelettes of  The Refuse Chronicles.


The puzzle pieces have fallen into place. The threat is imminent. Secrets are no longer hidden.


From Cultic abductions in 1999, Nazi's in 1944, to the subterfuge machinations of The Esoteric Order of Dagon and the UNCGSC. The discovery of a horrific ancestery of 1719, and the finale with the return of an adult Tamara Takahara in 2019 and its obliterating consequences!

K(no)w Tomorrow

The 17th and final novelette


The shocking and brutal conclusion to The Symbiot-Series

New cover draft6.jpg

Symphonies of Horror: Inspirational Tales by H.P. Lovecraft:

The Symbiot Appendum


ISBN:  978-1-988253-25-1 (print)

ISBN: 978-1-988253-26-8 (digital)


An addenum or an appendix? 

This Appendum, Symphonies of Horror, will be a collection of H.P. Lovecraft tales The Symbiot-Series were based upon or made referrence to.


It will be available on ebook and in print edition in Trilogy Gift-Sets of The Symbiot-Series!


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