At Boom 99.7
Just finished a podcast at Boom 99.7 with Dylan Black! Stay tuned! Link will follow! Yet again on boom 99.7 with Dylan Black! Check it...
Radio Wild!
Jan 4th Jan 21st Jan 24th Feb. 6th
TV Interviews
Here is the most recent TV interview, from August 30th with host Dylan Black, on Daytime Ottawa Tune in to Daytime Ottawa on Tuesday, May...
Daytime Ottawa TV
Daytime Ottawa TV, live interview with host Dylan Black! On August 30th, I speak about my latest novel, The Refuse Chronicles, the 4th...
Daytime Ottawa TV
Tune in to Daytime Ottawa TV Show, with host Dylan Black, on Wednesday August 30th! I'll be on speaking about my lastest novel, The...
Daytime Ottawa, Live TV!
Looks like I'm going to be returning to The Daytime Ottawa TV Show on May 23rd! I'm excited! They must like me! This'll be my 3rd time!!...
Daytime Ottawa with Dylan Black
Daytime Ottawa with Dylan Black, and co-host Sid Cratzbarg. Here I am patiently (and nerveously!) waiting in the Green Room at Rogers TV....