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PiP Indiegogo Campaign

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Prose in the Park is thrilled to invite you to join our Indiegogo Campaign and claim your perk!

As a grassroots festival organized by and for the local writing community, Prose in the Park was created in order to provide Ottawa with an exciting, free, local literary festival that was inclusive, welcoming, and truly representative of Canada’s rich, diverse literary community. We believe this festival contributes to the quality of life in Ottawa by providing opportunities for community members of all ages to gather, participate in their local literary scene, listen to great stories, meet great storytellers and support the local literary economy.

In 2015 over 90% of the inaugural festival’s expenses were realized thanks to in-kind contributions. The remaining expenses were covered by financial contributions from local businesses, private donations, the OIW, and vendor fees.

For the 2016 festival, we are requesting financial contributions and in-kind donations from local businesses and community members like you. All donations will be used to pay author travel and speaking fees, cover the costs of promotional materials (including our website, printed programmes, and posters) and refreshments for authors and volunteers during the Festival.

And every little bit helps! Even if we don’t meet our Indiegogo target all donated funds will go to support the Festival, with the priority being to cover the travel costs and speaking fees of our exceptional featured authors!

Below are a selection of e-books available for $10 donations. Just choose your title, make your $10 contribution via our Indiegogo campaign web page (click here), we will mail you a Smashwords 100% off coupon for your selected title, and you then can apply the coupon number against your purchase of the e-book.

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The Symbiot!

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