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Big Bookstore, Indie Shops, or eBooks?

Got some data in today.

These numbers may be of interest to my fellow local authors.

Chapters/Indigo/Coles 34.9%

Comic Book Shops 21.44%

Indie Bookshops 11.9%

Events 20.67%

Private Sales 7.35%

ebooks 3.75%

This is the distribution of sales through various venues.

Although it appears that Chapters/Indigo/Coles moves the highest volumes, if we count Comic Book Shops as "Independent Bookshops" (21.44% + 11.9% = 33.34%) the indie book stores equals the giant Chapters/Indigo/Coles. (And these numbers do not consider the larger percentage of commission into the equation.

Chapters/Indigo/Coles take 45% off the retail price - ouch! - whereas many small, private and local lndie book stores usually take anywhere between 25% - 40%. That translates into either more profit for the author or the ability to offer better deals to move more books!)

Although I realize these number will not be the same for every author, they're still interesting information.

The indie bookstores, I believe, draw a more eclectic and openminded audience (maybe even a better read crowd!)

I have always been of the idea that ebooks are brutally difficult to 'sell'. (Let's not forget, sure there are no overhead costs, but you are a single voice screaming into a sea of literally tens of millions! It can be near impossible to be heard). I have always thought that ebooks work best as an "accessory".

Don't believe all the hyperbole. Print is not dying. Electronic books are not on the rise.

Voice in. Let me know what your thoughts are. Let me know your experiences!

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