The Refuse Chronicles' Covers

The Refuse Chronicles are a series of short stories or novelettes nestled between the events of The Hunt: Symbiosys and Necropolis, with their conclusion following 14 years after the event in Necropolis.
As a collection of novelettes, continuing the Symbiot Series, individual ebook titles will include:
UNCGSC: The Facility
Das Ghul
With theses titles either currently available or upcoming in ebooks, the entire collection - The Refuse Chronicles - will be available in print editions in the near future.

UNCGSC: The Facility takes place in an isolated research facility deep in Antarctica where experimentations into artificial sentience take place. But the question is, what is awakening?

Matriarch. An unidentified corpse on the desolate cold beaches of Northern Newfoundland and the mysterious otherworldly weave of the body's sweater, leads the police investigator onto bizzarre cultic conspiracies.

Heidleberg is set in 1944, in the city of Heidleberg, German during the Nazi's reign, this novelette revisit Donita de LaFontaine during the Second World War as she strives to protect her 12-year old daughter, Nadia, from the Nazi's nefarious conspiracies with Cults in their desperate attempt to claim The Music of the Spheres.
Das Ghul discovers and opens UNCGSC files - both old and new - as the world spanning organization becomes painfully aware of the machinations of an ancient and conniving Cult intent on their and humanity's demise!
This collection includes Mother-Machine and Coffee @ Pequods! and Twelves Steps. (There currently is no cover art yet for Das Ghul.)

Convergence. The dead can speak. Secrets are no longer hidden. The seemingly unconnected activities from the previous four novelettes converge with their horrific revelations. From Cultic abductions in 1999, Nazi's of 1944, to the subterfuge machinations of The Esoteric Order of Dagon and the UNCGSC, to the discovery of a horrific ancestery of 1719, and the finale with the return of an adult Tamara Takahara in 2019 and it's obliterating consequences!​
Fear the future.

UNCGSC: The Facility is currently available from Smashwords for FREE download, for a limited time only!

~ Coffee @ Pequods! ~ is available from Amazon, Kobo, and Smashwords

Mother-Machine is available from Amazon and Kobo.
(Mother-Machine is currently available for FREE through Goodreads).