Nyarlathotette...?! WTF?
The cover of Necropolis features the Black Pharaoh Nyarlathotep.
Anyone familiar with The Symbiot-Series will realize that its prime antagonist is Nyarlathotep.
The artwork itself is a picture of Statuette of Osiris Sitting (c. 664-332 BCE - artist unknown).
As a promotion, Nyarlathotette (see what I did there? Adding -ette at the end, changing its gender? Clever, eh?)
Nyarlathotette will be accompanying me to various events and book signings!
Post a selfie with her on Facebook or Twitter (#nyarlathotette) and receive FREE ebook downloads!
Get the next installment of The Symbiot-Series, UNCGSC: The Facility (and preview the first novelette of The Refuse Chronicles), a non-traditional gothic horror short story, Mother-Machine, and the sci-fi short, Escape Hatch!
You can find Nyarlathotette and I at:
Morning Owl Coffeehouse & Variety (along side Liam Gibbs, of In A Galaxy Far, Far Awry) on November 19th, 11am - 3pm
Comet Comics