Music in Literature: From Mozart to Metallica
Music - in my humble opinion - is part of the human condition. It inundates everything.
So why is music so sadly devoid in the written medium? Yes, there are inherent challenges, but I don't believe it needs to be.
To those familiar with The Symbiot-Series will know music features throughout.
From Mozart to Metallica.
Musical pieces and performers include Creeping Death, Scheonberg, Megadeth, Mozart, Wagner's opera, Das Rheingold, Beethoven, and Chopin.
Other eldritch compositions are also featured in this series of novels, but – unfortunately (or maybe, fortunately) - are works of fiction, including The Music of Erich Zann as well as The Music of the Spheres.
For the music aficionados out there, these various pieces of music can be listened to at a new page on my website entitled The Audient Void.
Check it out!