What Does Lovecraft Have to Do With Christmas?!
What the hell does Lovecraft have to do with Christmas?
Well... very little, and quite a lot!
"The H.P. Lovecraft Christmas Book"
The title is somewhat of a misnomer, its focus being less on Christmas and more on the Yuletide.
It is a truly unique collection of Christmas poems and greetings from the master himself. Hidden within can be found a truer focus on the pagan Yuletide.
Although not a self-identified pagan, like most great traditions, I see and choose their better values. (celebrating Harvest over Thanksgiving for example). What's so refreshing about the Yule? Finished is the holiday season debate over Religious vs. Commercial.
How does The Symbiot link to this festive season? The Symbiot-Series can make a great holiday gift for your horror fan. Book 1, The Symbiot, actually ends on Christmas Eve!
Pick up your copy! Pick-up the entire series!