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A Year in Review - 2016

I had initially set myself a goal of 12 events this year. I had no idea it would have blossomed into the activities it turned out becoming!

2016 will certainly be a year to remember. Having found myself (rather unceremoniously) unemployed early this year, I took advantage of this extended time off to write and promote my books.

I could not have imagined the paths this journey would have led me on. A great amount of soul-searching and reevaluating priorites emerged. Self-doubt and the questioning of one's value and worth were confronted head-on - as well as one's very identity.

Although not completed yet, the next installment of The Symbiot-Series, The Refuse Chronicles, I believe may have found its inspiration - that of the human debris & refuse - from these both dark and wondrous times!


Special thanks need to be extended to the various shops and book stores that carried my titles. Without these people's willingness and hard work, the indie local author's job would be that much closer to impossible:

Allanah Harriman (Chapters), Lisa Statham (The Book Company), Gosia Strzelecka (Chapters), Heather Mallette (Coles), Rhona Morin (Coles), Trish Slater (Coles), and Tracy Delong (Coles) for taking the care and effort to help promote local authors.

Local Indie Bookshops:

Heather MacDonald (Comet Comics), Jim Sherman (Perfect Books), John Houston (Kobold's Corner), Vaugh MacDonald (Black Squirrel Books & Cafe), Octopus Books, Singing Peeble Books, and Books on Beechwood.


And various other organizers, coffee-shops, subcontrators, and event-organizers that only add to the indie-author's wonderful experience:

Tom Sample (Second Cup) , Megan Sartori (Byward Market), Guy Milne (CIBC), Iskra Rekrut (organizer), Chris Barnett (Designer), Lydia Schloch (writer & editor), Simon & Henri Dulca (Rapido Books), Nancy (Morning Owl Coffeehouse), Dave White (Mementos), Joy Cook (neighbour).


To local politicians who showed their support for Ottawa's incredible literary talents (not just me):

Jim Watson (Mayor), Allan Hubley (Councillor), and Marianne Wilkinson (Councillor)


A special thanks need to be extened to local media personel - not only for interviewing me - but for the hope and sense of value they instilled in me (we creative-types can - sadly - be such fragile things!):

Carol Anne Meehan, 'tic', Danielle Allard, Kate Hunt, Dylan Black & Adam Coombs


...and my fellow author friends Laurie Stewart (local author) and Liam Gibbs (local author)


...and to my fans. I wish I could name you all!


...and last but certainly not least, my wife, Jackie.

For having the patience, tolerance and confidence to allow my writing to compete (and maybe even sometimes overshadow) her. (If I ever made you feel second best, it couldn't have been further from the truth.You are a foundation which this is built upon.)


From the terrifying moments waiting in the Green Room before going on live TV - to the nerve-racking worry of 'winging' an hour-long live radio interview with CKCU's 'tic' - to the exhilaration of being interviewed by Carol Anne Meehan (Ottawa's sweetheart!) - to the incredible dialog and intellectual discussion with Literary Landscape's Kate Hunt.

From being lost to being found - from struggling to find purpose, to the absolute conviction of purpose, it's been a rough ride, but one I'll never regret. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so thankful to have met so many incredible people to have shared these wonderful experiences with.

The positive and inspirational people have far outweighed the toxic and negative ones. It's been a fantastic year.

I'm looking forward to what 2017 brings!

Thank you all. I love you.


Jan. 16, 2016

Book Signing

Saturday, January 16th, 2016

11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Chapters, South Keys

2210 Bank St,

Ottawa, Ontario


Feb. 27, 2016

Book Signing

Saturday, February 27th, 2016

Noon - 3:30 pm

Chapters, South Keys

2210 Bank St,

Ottawa, Ontario


Mar. 4th, 2016

Book Signing

Friday, March 4th, 2016

Noon - 1:30 pm

Prospero, The Book Company

128 Bank St,

Ottawa, Ontario


Mar. 12th, 2016

Book Signing and Coffee!

Saturday, March 12th, 2016

11:30 am - 3:30 pm

Second Cup

Hazeldean Mall


Mar, 18th, 2016

Received a congratulatory certificate from the Mayor congratulating me for my contributions to the literary arts in Ottawa!


Mar. 19th, 2016

Book Signing

Saturday, March 19th, 2016

11 am - 2 pm

Coles, Carlingwood Mall

2121 Carling Ave. # 23,

Ottawa, Ontario


April 2nd, 2016

Book Signing

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

11 am - 2 pm

Perfect Books

258 Elgin Street,

Ottawa, Ontario


April 16th, 2016

Book Signing

Saturday, April 16th, 2016

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Octopus Books

116 Third Ave.

Ottawa, Ontario


May 28th, 2016

Book Signing

Saturday, May 7th, 2016

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Singing Pebble Books

206 Main Street

Ottawa, Ontario


June 4th, 2016

Prose in the Park

Saturday, June 4th, 2016

11 am - 6 pm

Parkdale Park


June 11th, 2016

Coles, The Book People Billings Bridge Plaza

2269 Riverside Drive

Ottawa, Ontario

Saturday, June 11th, 2016

11 am - 1 pm


June 15th, 2016

Featured on Apt613

Write On Ottawa:

A Tale of Unearthly Music and Horror

(Book Review)


June 17th, 2016

Radio Interview with Carol Anne Meehan

on 1310 News

The Carol Anne Meehan Show


June 21, 2016

Invitation to write essay on the implications of the Uncontrolling Love of God posted on Thomas Jay Orrd's wbsite, The Uncontrolling Love of God.


July 8th, 2016

The Authors' Market

The Byward Market

Ottawa, Ontario

Friday, July 8th, 2016

10 am - 3 pm


July 13th, 2016

CKCU - FM Interview

with Tic

The Wednesday Blend Show

8 am - 9:30 am

(It starts @ 67:20)


July 16th, 2016

Chapters, Centrum, Kanata

400 Earl Grey Drive

Saturday, June 16th, 2016

11 am - 3 pm


July 19th, 2016

Daytime Ottawa TV Appearance

Rogers Cable TV, Channel 22

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

11 am


July 21th, 2016

CKCU - FM 93.1 Interview

with Kate Hunt

Literary Landscapes

6:30 pm - 7:00 pm


July 26th, 2016

CKCU - FM 93.1 Interview

with Adam Coombs

Tuesday Special Blend

7:30 am


July 29th, 2016

The Authors' Market

The Byward Market

Ottawa, Ontario

Friday, July 29th, 2016

11 am - 3 pm


August 14th, 2016

Parkdale Market Book Fair

Ottawa, Ontario

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

10 am - 4 pm


August 26th, 2016

The Authors' Market

The Byward Market

Ottawa, Ontario

Friday, August 26th, 2016

11 am - 3 pm


September 17th, 2016

CIBC Kanata - Centrum

Meet & Greet hosted by CIBC

445 Kanata Avenue

Kanata, Ontario

Saturday, Sept. 17th, 2016

11 am - 3 pm


September 24th, 2016

The Authors' Market

The Byward Market

Ottawa, Ontario

Saturday, September 3rd, 2016

10 am - 3 pm


October 8th, 2016

The Samhain Craft & Psychic Fair

211 Bronson Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario

Saturday, October 8th, 2016

11:30 am - 4:00 pm


November 19th, 2016

Morning Owl Coffeehouse

1047 Canadian Shield Ave.

Kanata, Ontario

November 19th, 2016

11:00 am - 3:00 pm


December 10th, 2016

The Yule Crafts & Psychic Fair

211 Bronson Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario


December 10th, 2016

10:30 am - 4:00 pm


December 14th, 2016

Received notice that my essay - Divine Love Trumps Divine Power: The Voice of Sophia - will be publishing in Thomas J. Oord's upcoming book in later 2017!


December 17th, 2016

Comet Comics

1167 Bank Street

Ottawa, Ontario

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

11:00 am - 4:00 pm

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