Goddess of Love Psychic & Craft Fair
2016 isn't even over yet and I'm looking forward into plans & events in 2017!
There truly is no rest for the wicked!
February 11th is
I will be there, making the Lovecraftian horror series The Symbiot available to Ottawans everywhere!
Join me at 211 Bronson Avenue at the Bronson Centre!
It's too early to tell right now, but hopefully the NEW trilogy will be available! (Including the upcoming The Refuse Chronicles).
With The Symbiot going into its 4th printing, The Hunt: Symbiosys going into its 3rd printing, and Necropolis going into its 2nd printing, 2017's shaping up to become an incredible year!
There's going to be book signings and meet-and-greets evetns - often many with other local authors! I'm looking forward to working with Liam Gibbs (author of "In A Galaxy Far, Far Awry" series) and Laurie Stewart (author of "Mechanicsville" young adult series)
Look forward to upcoming events!
Morning Owl Coffeehouse - Kanata
1047 Canadian Shield Ave.
Origin Trade Coffeehouse & Lounge
111 York St.
Alice's Village Cafe
3773 Carp Rd.
The Byward Market!
Downtown Ottawa!
Prose in the Park
June 10th
at the Parkdale Park
Chapters - Kanata
400 Earl Grey Dr.
Coles - Billings Bridge
2269 Riverside Dr.
Coles - Carlingwood
2121 Carling Ave.
Comet Comics
1167 Bank St.
Perfect Books
258 Elgin St.
CIBC Kanata - BBQ
445 Kanata Ave.