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The Next 150

Canada's 150th? 

I watched the security begin rolling out 5 days before the event. Shutting down major downtown routes and avenues and critical and necessary arteries of the ebb amd flow of the city; essentially shutting it down. 

As Canada Day approached the amount of restructuring and security measures for the downtown core became concerning, alarming even.

The plan seemed to be controlling, corralling, and herding our very own people and citizens in some misplaced sense of protection and security.

It's ironic that on this day of celebrating Canada - and particularly what it means to be Canadian - that such a pronounced sense if fear pervaded. With the excessive amount of security should any acts of terrorism had occured, rather then securing our own people, they may very well have trapped them. (We've yet to hear about the excessive cost that on its way!)

I have always believed that the best way to combat terrorists and terrorism is simple: 

To not be afraid.

Yes, there are definitely aspects of traditional and conventional warfare and security involved. This is not to belittle the brave and valiant efforts of our armed forces on the front lines. 

The terrorist danger is an invading force, but what it is intending to invade is our minds. The battle against terrorism is a psychological one. A philosophical one. An irrational fear. A Fear that paralyzes your populace. A Fear that hobbles your industry. A Fear that cripples your economy. A Fear that shuts down your cities.

In spit of our celebrating being Canadian, we have become all too Americanized in our excessive Fear.

In moving forward, in viewing what Canada will be in the next 150 years, we should be concerned. We should be reflective. We should seriously consider what values our current leaders embrace, and what Fear they knuckle under to.

If our leaders and decision makers cannot embody these virtues, then maybe that time has come to replace them.

I can't say I have all the answers, but there is one thing I know:

My Canada is not Fearful one.We are brave. 

We are Canadian.

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