Radio Interviews

In all likilhood, the longest and most indepth interview, CKCI host 'tic' is in conversation with local Lovecraftian-horror author, Michel Weatherall. (July 13, 2016)
CKCU's Literary Landscape host Kate Hunt discusses literary elements and thoughts with local horror author and poet Michel Weatherall. (July 21, 2016)
What to know what makes the creative mind of a horror author work?
Carol Anne Meehan talks with local Lovecraftian-horror author, Michel Weatherall. (June 17, 2016)
New years usher in new ideas! Local Lovecraftian-horror author Michel Weatherall is focusing on smaller more intimate events and venues in the National Capital region!
Livia Belcea, host of CHUO 89.1 FM's APT 613 LIVE speaks with Michel about these exciting upcoming events! (Feb. 7, 2017)
CKCU host of Tuesday Special blend briefly speaks with local author Michel Weatherall about the Byward Market's The Authors' Market! (July 26, 2016)
CKCU's Jeff Larocque in conversation with Ian Shaw and Michel Weatherall about 2017 Prose in the Park!