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Pronoun Closure

November 6th at 4:09 pm, I received an email informing me that Pronoun will be completely shut down by January 15th, 2018.

Pronoun is a website that - ultimately - converts and publishes my ebooks.

Pronoun was a convenient service that allowed me to offer my books through various and numerous platforms (Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google iPlay, Apple iBooks to name a few), while only submitting one file rather then multiple 'customized' files per platform.

All my titles will remain available via Pronoun until Jan. 15/18. 

I am currently working on transitioning everything through this rather short time window. 

Currently I have reactivated my titles on Kobo  and most are also available through  Smashwords . (Although I cannot be certain at this point whether these older files/ebooks are current and up to date. Minor errors could exist.) It is my plans to sort through these numerous files over the Christmas holidays - a monumental task of going through close to 1,400 pages of text (well over 300,000 words!) 

Unfortunately, my older account on Amazon had deleted my uploaded files for reasons I cannot phanthom.

Reviews and ratings currently posted on Amazon, Kobo, B&N, iPlay, iBook, etc. will unfortunately be lost with Pronoun's closure, so any new reviews and ratings would be greatly appreciated.

This also means a fair amount of work on my website, particularily in regards to links pertaining to ebooks.

Although not a devastating blow, as ebooks constitute less then 3% of all my sales, it is discouraging when I consider how much work had been done to make my titles available as ebooks. The prospect of repeating this highly time-consuming task for what amounts to very little payout seriously makes me lean in the direction of abandoning ebooks altogether. (Ebooks are not, and never have been the monster people feared they would be).

My sympathies go out to other fellow indie-authors whose work is available nearly exclusively on ebook, or whose ebook sales represent a significant piece of their gross.

We will endure.

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