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Ngaro's Sojourney

Ngaro's Sojourney





  1. a temporary stay.




  1. the act of traveling from one place to another.



A journey to discover and return to one's spirituality.

As I near the finale of Ngaro's Sojourney, I am beginning to coordinate other aspects needed for this novel.

Model, Mr & Ms. Multicultural Canada Runner Up, and 'Mr. society', Eric Bhatia (shown with me at the Grand opening of Mucho Burrito in Stittsville) has agreed to model for Captain Jones of the British warship, the HMS Pembroke (one of the villians of this novel). In all likelihood this photo will appear on the inside cover as well as a life-sized roller banner at the book launch.

Captain Jones wears a British naval captain's jacket, red with brass buttons. This weekend I have begun searching for the perfect costume. (Now I've got to find a resource for authentic cutlass and muskets).

Models for the Goddess Takamauroa as well as the Inuit character "Nameless" have also been approached.

And - most exciting of all! - Dr. Rongo Wetere, cultural expert, historian (and Maori himself!) has agreed to check the prepublished manuscript and lend his expertise in advising for the Maori cultural aspects in this novel!


Ngaro's Sojourney

Making his first appearance in The Refuse Chronicles' short story, "Das Ghul," now the Maori chieftain's full story is told.

Follow the 1850 Maori warrior in his nautical adventure across the South Pacific to forbidden and lost islands, cannibalistic tribes, volcanic isles, sleeping tiki-gods, and discover the Secret of the Lost Library City itself!

From the wastes of the Austrialian Great Sandy Desert to the desolate tundra of Grænland. From his tropical homeland of Aotearoa, New Zealand to the nightmaric oceanic point of inaccessibility, this adventure is a white knuckled ride!

One Ocean

One Tribe

One People

One world

Hope Rises

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