Ngaro's Sojourney Tour
With Ngaro's Sojourney's imminent book launch, don't miss the TV and radio interviews leading up to it!!
March 25th - Daytime Ottawa TV Show with host Dylan Black
March 27th - CKCU-FM with host tic
Jewel 98.5 fm with host Codi Jeffreys (tba)
March 30th - Book Launch at 3 Brewers Kanata!
4pm - 7 pm
Launching alongside of Ngaro's Sojourney with also be
The Symbiot 30th Anniversary, The Nadia Edition
(featuring Ottawan model, actress and 2019 Faces of Ottawa Awards Favourite Model Finalist,
Mary Elin Moore)
Who will also be at this book launch event!
Get your limited 30th Anniversary edition, signed, not only by the author, but my the new face of Nadia herself!