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Cover Story: The Symbiot

This version of The Symbiot's cover (30th Anniversary, The Nadia Edition) features local model Mary Elin Moore.

This is an exemplar story about contacts and networking!

Its original idea came about a year or two earlier, with the 30th anniversary since The Symbiot had originally been written, although no concrete finalize cover concepts had yet been imagined.

With the March 30th launch of Ngaro's Sojourney (it being the first book of a new series), I thought it prudent and launch (or relaunch) the 30th Anniversary edition of The Symbiot alongside it.

The original cover sported simply a blacked shadow on its right hand side.

It was during the spring of 2018 in which I had been invited to be a celebrity judge of the Mr. and Ms. Multicultural Canada beauty pageant.

At the event itself, during the interviewing stages, I was near floored and left virtually speechless when I first laid eye upon Mary Elin Moore. Not because of the striking beauty she is (and she definitely is!) but because of the fact that she looked identical to - what I had hitherto believed - was a fictional character which existed in my imagination alone.

The evening went as all beauty pageants did. Mary Elin Moore became Ms. Multicultural Canada runner-up and won Ms. Photogenic 2018.

In the small hours of the following morning, while having me coffee at Timmies, I had texted a few of the winning contestants, congratulating them on their successes! Mary Elin Moore and I continued a prolong text conversation and eventually became friends.

It was shortly afterwards when I told her the previous story and asked is she would do me the honour of being the face of Nadia on the 30th Anniversary edition of The Symbiot.

Another not so well known fact has to do with this book's sequel, The Hunt: Symbiosys (which is included in The Nadia Edition). The Hunt: Symbiosys had gone through two previous covers, neither of which I had ever been particularly fond of.

Its first edition (the red cover) was a poor rendition of what I originally wanted but couldn't secure the painter's permission. This particular cover graced the 1st and 2nd printings.

After going into its 3rd and 4th printings, the entire series colour scheme was unified to match, using a black and gold/yellow theme.

This particular cover was used (the negative woman's face that of my niece), but it still didn't 'jive' or flow. It still struck me as an unprofessional hack-job and - at least to me - very amateur.

Combining the first book, The Symbiot, with the sequel, The Hunt: Symbiosys, into one print edition circumvented the entire 2nd book cover issue.

Added bonus: The Symbiot-series went from a 4 book series back into being a Trilogy once again! (And trilogies are quite easy to sell!)

More added bonuses?

I have been invited to be a judge at this year's World Multicultural Beauty Pageant!

Please join us on November 30th for this spectacular event!


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