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Faux-Faces Cover #2: Humanitarians

Faux-Faces Magazine Cover #2: Humanitarian

These Faux-Faces cover are for little reason other than fun. However, in this case, I need to open with a disclaimer. On this particular cover I am nothing more than a backdrop, and wallpaper behind these incredible people. (Talk about being out of my league!)

There are times and moments when the Faces of Ottawa Awards might seem like a group of well dressed, good looking, well groomed, people parading about like peacocks, patting one another on the back, celebrating their own “greatness.”

I believe the Faces of Ottawa Awards can be so much more. I think it's time to talk about Ottawa's unsung heroes: about the silent influences that shape, heal and change our city. Heavy hitters than can effect change beyond our politicians and to greater pragmatic effect than our poets or writers. Their effects are deep and profound. Rather than wear capes they prefer to be cloaked in the humble robe of anonymity. But do not kid yourselves, these titanic influencers are superheroes. In a world where so many are eager to tear you down, these people raise others up.

Gotham may have batman, but we have so much more!

Brigitte Boulay Her organization We Live in the Shadows' endeavour is to raise awareness of our homeless plight in Ottawa and bring succour, food and aid. Through art, events and fundraising, Brigitte is a warrior and gives voice to Ottawa's voiceless. From the ground up, she will colour this city in its most potential way!

Michael Lifshitz Found of Illumabilities, raising awareness of disabilities and seeing and promoting the potentials and dreams within each of us, this man uses the communal and soft edge of comedy to dig into these sometimes difficult topics. But a pacifist he is hardly! This guy rapels off fricken' buildings and raises money for Easter Seals! What's your superpower?

Mylee Batista Founder of Ray of Light, bringing awareness and removing the stigma of mental illness, this young powerhouse is changing the face of Ottawa, one runway at a time! Never be surprised what one person can do!

Tysen Lefebvre Where to start? What can I really say? His t-shirt last year said it all: “I raised a million dollars. What's your superpower?” Tysen's Mission to a Million for Make-a-Wish.

So, I ask you to take a deeper reflection of these nominations and votes this year.

Ottawa is a fantastic city. Well worthy of being celebrated. There are massive influences here and great good being done, and an even larger potential that lays ahead. Please take the time to vote.

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