Cover Story: ADCoMS
Years ago I had made the conscious decision that any and all covers of works of poetry I might publish would include a self-portrait.
A Dark Corner of My Soul: Selected Poetry, would be no different. The pen and ink sketch of the damage skull that graces the cover is my own work, drawn in c. 1987, shortly after my mother's death.
Although not blatantly nor obviously a self-portrait, it is a rendition of the condition I found myself in, at that time, and a very accurate reflection of this body of work's underlying theme.
This collection's foreword (as credited on its cover) penned by Torontonian author, blogger and editor Lydia Schoch.
Although a few reviews had criticized this cover and choice of colour, I must admit, these were deliberate acts. I was deliberately aiming to mimic the simplistic and limited lithographic technologies of 1887, close to Guy de Maupassant's The Horla's cover.
There is little more of a story to tell. Soon entering its 3rd printing, the cover will be updated slightly, featuring a darker (and paisley patterned) background and a minor change of font sizes.