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Michael Adubato's "Missing the Exit"

Broken Keys Publishing is proud to announce Michael Adubato as one of our growing number of new authors and poets! Adubato is a man of many talents and experiences. Ex-military and currently working for SHAPE (NATO). Born and raised in New Jersey, USA, but moved across the ocean he has now settled in Belgium. He has travelled extensively and brings these experiences to his literary endeavours. He writes soccer sports columns for the website Yanks Abroad. His writings have appeared in The Piker Press and The Dope Fiend Daily and has several poems appearing in Ariel Chart International Literary Journal. Broken Keys Publishing is proud to announce the upcoming release of "Missing the Exit," a collection of Adubato's poetry with Ottawa's own Jana Begovic penning the foreword. The first stage of release will be in print edition (European format) and to be followed by ebook in the near future! Lynne McEniry says this of his writings: "In these poems, Adubato takes his readers on a journey around neighborhoods and across continents. Over meals with friends made throughout his travels, and through the sights and sounds he encounters as he explores destinations brand new and familiar, these poems stir all of our senses and encourage us to embark on our own excursions at home or abroad. This eclectic collection turns our negative response to "Missing the Exit" into one of the highlights of the trip." Available now from Broken Keys Publishing, Sadness of the Siren, by Samantha Underhill Love & Catastrophē Poetrē (Winner of the 2022 Book of the Year Award), a collection of over a dozen Ottawa poets Thin Places: The Ottawan Anthology (Winner of the 2021 Book of the Year Award), an anthology of 14 local authors Symphonies of Horror: Inspirational Tales by H.P. Lovecraft: The Symbiot Appendum


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