The Symbiot Series in its entirety. This 4 volume box-set features over 1,100 pages of material, including the newly released Symphonies of Horror, for FREE (as well as the above pictured The Refuse Chronicles)
Available now at
Prospero’s the Book Company (128 Bank St.)
Coles, Billings Bridge Plaza
After the successful Byward Authors’ Market (thanks to the hard work of Ottawa Markets and staff) on August 15th, we now know our Covid Safety precautions work!
Masks were worn, Square’s contactless readers accepted Credit and Debit card payments, and Social Distancing observed.
We are on top of this. We are approaching the other side of this pandemic.
As Ottawa collectively reopens, as Hope returns,
We exit the darkness and
We enter the light.
Upcoming Availability:
Sept 12th (pending) - Stittsville Arts in the Park
Oct. 18th (pending) - Samhain Psychic and Craft Fair
Plans for book signings at Propsero’s and Coles Billings Bridge are awaiting corporate permission.