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The Stars of Thin Places - Jana Begovic

Broken Keys Publishing is proud to announce Ottawa's very own Jana Vasilj-Begovic will be contributing to the Thin Places anthology!

Her contribution a story titled, 2148 (parts 1 & 2)

As far back as she can remember, Jana has been fascinated by storytelling. Her love of reading and writing propelled her toward studies of languages and literature resulting in B.A. degrees in English and German Languages and Literature, an M.A. Degree in Literary Criticism, as well as a B.Ed. Degree in English and Dramatic Arts.

Among her publications are an academic article published by Cambridge Scholars, UK, the novel Poisonous Whispers, published by Roane Publishing, N.Y., poetry, short fiction, articles, art reviews, and blog posts featured in literary journals, such as Ariel Chart, Chantwood, the Pangolin Review, Abstract, Canada Fashion Magazine and Authors Publish (Facebook page).

Her short story, Purveyors of Magic will appear in the springtime edition of Black Shamrock.

Currently, she is working on a collection of children's stories and acting as a contributing editor/writer for Ariel Chart and Canada Fashion Magazine. She has been nominated for the 2019 Best of the Net and the PushCart Awards for a piece of non-fiction and a short story published in Ariel Chart.

She lives in Ottawa, Ontario and works for the Government of Canada as an education specialist in the field of military language training. She can be contacted via her Author Page at


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