Broken Keys Publishing is proud to announce Ottawa's very own Matt Lalonde will be contributing to the Thin Places anthology!
His contribution a story titled, Y2K
Matthew was born in Almonte, Ontario and raised in Ottawa. Reading in various formats; books, comic books e-books etc, has always been a past time of his, along with world building and writing. Sci-Fi to Fantasy to History, almost anything can tickle his reading bone. A self-described “hack”, he has written many a short story for his own amusement, some of which even form a cohesive story or two. This is his first official submission to a project like this, and hey, it may even get printed! Could he still call himself a hack after that?
Other than reading and writing, music is his next biggest hobby, though he cannot play an instrument to save his life.
Other hobbies include, but are not limited to: Computer Games, Board and Card Games, collecting medieval hand weapons, Playing various tabletop RPG’s, Eating food and sleeping. He is sure that there are more, but he can’t think of them as of the writing of this bio.