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When One Door Closes Another Opens

When one door closes another opens!

It is with regret that I must announce, as I understand it, Coles Bayshore will be closing down its support of local authors, and thus my titles will no longer be available there.

However, as Ottawa's economy reopens many book stores are supporting local! You can find my titles (as well as the newest 2020 releases*) at

and, adding themselves to the list of those supporting local talents, will be

I implore you, as shoppers, as consumers, as citizens, to support our local arts and talents, most especially our independent small business who are only now beginning to reopen and navigate these unprecedented and difficult pandemic post-lockdown times.

Shop and support local.

This is the time for solidarity. This is the time to pull together. It is my firm belief we will come out of this stronger than we entered. Stay safe. Stay strong.


*The newest 2020 titles include

Symphonies of Horror

Darkness Falls (which includes the previous title for FREE and is a boxed-set of The Symbiot-Trilogy!)

and the soon to be released in print,

Thin Places: The Ottawan Anthology!

(featurng over a dozen of Ottawa's literary talents!)


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