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Yasmin Asgarali

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that photographer, intellectual conversationalist, spiritual confidant and good friend, Yasmin Asgarali has passed away.

2019 Faces of Ottawa Awards' finalist for Favourite Photographer, her fantastic work is featured on the cover flaps of The Refuse Chronicles!

What makes her so incredible? The picture of the rose. In the book there is a fictitious rose named Amelie, la Rose de Saoirse. Golden with red trim. (Let me repeat, it's fictitious!)

Without asking, Yasmin had visited numerous florists until she found a (real) rose like this and took this wonderful picture for my cover!

This is the kind of friend she is. This is the kind of caring she brought to the world!

Always supportive, caring and the embodiment of compassion and love.

I am humbled and happy to have known her. I am richer because of her and am proud to have called her my friend.

One of the most beautiful and gentle souls I have ever had the privilege to know.

She will be missed.

I had met with Dr. Rongo Weteri and his wife to talk to him about being a Maori cultural advisor for my upcoming book, Ngaro's Sojourney (He opened a university and is, basically, knighted.)

So few know this story, but I was so afraid and intimidated, Yasmin offered to join us. She introduced herself as Broken Keys Publishing's photographer (to avoid my embarrassment), and kept us company over coffee and conversation at Origin Trade.

I love this photo and it makes me laugh because she hated it, thinking she looked like she was photoshopped in.


Yasmine Asgarali (1957 - 2020)

This is how I will always remember her: Smiling and laughing and bringing that laughter to others.



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