Nyarlathotette...?! WTF?
The cover of Necropolis features the Black Pharaoh Nyarlathotep. Anyone familiar with The Symbiot-Series will realize that its prime...
Nyarlathotette Selfie
At The Celtic Yule Craft & Psychic Fair, December 10th (2:30 am - 7:00 pm), 211 Bronson Avenue As a promotion, Nylarlathotette will be...
Coming Soon: Heidelberg
Heidelberg​ ISBN: 978-1-988253-04-6 (digital) Currently scheduled to be the 3rd novelette in the upcoming Refuse Chronicles. Following...
The Refuse Chronicles' Covers
The Refuse Chronicles are a series of short stories or novelettes nestled between the events of The Hunt: Symbiosys and Necropolis, with...
Back on The Byward Market!
I'm back! Welcome to The Authors' Market! Did you know the City of Ottawa Markets Management has launched an initiative at the Byward...
Great Time @ Parkdale Market!
Parkdale Market Book Fair I had a fantastic time at the Parkdale Market's Book Fair! (Here I am 'peddling my wares') promoting The...
UNCGSC: The Facility
UNCGSC: The Facility Here is an updated preview of yet another Refuse Chronicles' vignette's cover! Currently the 17th vignette of The...
The Facility - New Vignette Cover
The Facility Here is a preview of yet another Refuse Chronicles' vignette's cover! Revisiting the creation and awakening of the sentient...
The Refuse Chronicles are Flowing!
I am super-stoked about The Refuse Chronicles! Once that initial germ of an idea gets put into place, the rest becomes like a faucet!...
The Refuse Chronicles
The Refuse Chronicles The 6th installment of The Symbiot Series. This book will be somewhat unconventional in its structure, being a...